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Monday, December 12, 2016

[FD] CVE-2013-3111: MSIE 9 IEFRAME CSelectionInteractButtonBehavior::_UpdateButtonLocation use-after-free

Since November I have been releasing details on all vulnerabilities I found that I have not released before. This is the thirtieth entry in the series. This information is available in more detail on my blog at There you can find a repro that triggered this issue in addition to the information below. If you find these releases useful, and would like to help me make time to continue releasing this kind of information, you can make a donation in bitcoin to 183yyxa9s1s1f7JBp­PHPmz­Q346y91Rx5DX. Follow me on for daily browser bugs. MSIE 9 IEFRAME CSelectionInteractButtonBehavior::_UpdateButtonLocation use-after-free ======================================================================= (MS13-047, CVE-2013-3111) Synopsis

Source: Gmail -> IFTTT-> Blogger

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