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Monday, January 16, 2017

Infinite-dimensional Log-Determinant divergences II: Alpha-Beta divergences. (arXiv:1610.08087v2 [math.FA] UPDATED)

This work presents a parametrized family of divergences, namely Alpha-Beta Log- Determinant (Log-Det) divergences, between positive definite unitized trace class operators on a Hilbert space. This is a generalization of the Alpha-Beta Log-Determinant divergences between symmetric, positive definite matrices to the infinite-dimensional setting. The family of Alpha-Beta Log-Det divergences is highly general and contains many divergences as special cases, including the recently formulated infinite dimensional affine-invariant Riemannian distance and the infinite-dimensional Alpha Log-Det divergences between positive definite unitized trace class operators. In particular, it includes a parametrized family of metrics between positive definite trace class operators, with the affine-invariant Riemannian distance and the square root of the symmetric Stein divergence being special cases. For the Alpha-Beta Log-Det divergences between covariance operators on a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS), we obtain closed form formulas via the corresponding Gram matrices.

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