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Monday, November 16, 2015

ISS Daily Summary Report – 11/13/15

Direct Current Switching Unit (DCSU) 1B Remote Bus Isolator (RBI) 1 Trip – At ~11:55am CST DCSU 1B RBI 1 experienced a trip on Friday taking all power from the 1B Power Channel. Numerous systems were affected including core avionics.  Command and Control (C&C) and Guidance Navigation & Control (GNC) Multiplexer/Demultiplexers (MDMs) automatically transitioned to their backups.  As a result, the ISS has good attitude control and good communications.  The ground team executed standard response procedures to recover and crosstie MBSU 1A and 1B in order to regain equipment that was temporarily powered down. Equipment power ons are continuing.  Preliminary indications point to a potential short between Sequential Shunt Unit (SSU) 1B and DCSU 1B.  Teams will be investigating the issue and working forward plans for recovery.   Capillary Effects of Drinking in the Microgravity Environment (Capillary Beverage) Demonstration:  Yui and Lindgren performed a Capillary Beverage demonstration using a drink of their choice to observe fluid interface and critical wetting behavior during drinking and draining activities. Microgravity affects the way fluids behave and crew members currently drink from special sealed bags instead of using straws or normal cups. The Capillary Beverage investigation studies the process of drinking from specially designed Space Cups that use fluid dynamics to mimic the effect of gravity.   Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Airlock Operations:  Yui pressurized the JEM Airlock and performed a leak check today as part of the closeout activities from the deployment of JAXA’s Exposed Experiment Handrail Attachment Mechanism (ExHAM) #2 on the JEM Exposed Facility (JEF) on Wednesday.   Large Format Motion Picture Camera (IMAX):  Kelly connected the IMAX Codex to a Station Support Computer (SSC) for a downlink of recorded video files.  IMAX filmmakers intend to produce a three dimensional movie called A Perfect Planet, using ISS-based video and images to show how natural and human forces shape planet Earth. The film will also showcase NASA’s exploration efforts and highlight the ISS as a platform for scientific research and a stepping stone to deep space exploration.   Reaction Self Test:  Kelly and Kornienko completed sessions for the Reaction Self Test investigation after they woke up this morning and again prior to their sleep period.  Reaction Self Test helps crewmembers objectively identify when their performance capability is degraded by various fatigue-related conditions that can occur as a result of ISS operations and time in space (e.g., acute and chronic sleep restriction, slam shifts, extravehicular activity (EVA), and residual sedation from sleep medications).   Integrated Resistance and Aerobic Training Study (Sprint) Volume of Oxygen Utilized (VO2) Max:  For his Flight Day 225 Sprint VO2 session, Kelly attached Electrocardiogram (ECG) electrodes to himself, set up and donned Heart Rate Monitor hardware, performed Portable Pulmonary Function System calibrations, and then performed the VO2 protocol.  The Sprint VO2 investigation evaluates the use of high intensity, low volume exercise to minimize loss of muscle, bone, and cardiovascular function in ISS crewmembers while reducing total exercise time during long-duration space missions   Radi-N Neutron Field Study (Radi-N):  Today Kornienko will handover eight Radi-N detectors to Yui, who will then deploy them around the ISS for the Radi-N experiment. This is the third of six RADI-N dosimeter deploys for Increments 45 and 46.  The objective of this investigation is to better characterize the ISS neutron environment and define the risk posed to the crewmembers’ health and provide the data necessary to develop advanced protective measures for future space flight.   Space Headaches:  Yui and Lindgren completed their weekly Space Headaches questionnaires.  Headaches can be a common complaint during spaceflight. The Space Headaches experiment will provide information that may help in the development of methods to alleviate associated symptoms and improvement in the well-being and performance of crew members in space.   Sleep Log:  Kelly will record a Sleep Log entry today.  The Sleep ISS-12 experiment monitors ambient light exposure and crew member activity and collects subjective evaluations of sleep and alertness.  The investigation examines the effects of space flight and ambient light exposure on sleep during a year-long mission on the ISS.   Nitrogen/Oxygen Recharge System (NORS) Airlock Interface Kit (AIK) Closeout:   Yui and Kelly worked with the ground team in order to perform NORS System leak checks.  Leak checks for the Oxygen line were successful.  However, the fine leak check associated with the Nitrogen line did not meet the success criteria. ISS is in a safe configuration while ground teams assess a forward plan.  NORS provides the capability to refill the US Airlock High Pressure Gas Tanks (HPGTs) with nitrogen and oxygen following Shuttle retirement.  Two Recharge Tank Assemblies (Oxygen and Nitrogen) are manifested onboard the Orbital ATK (OA)-4 Flight scheduled to launch on December 3rd.   Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. ISS crew and ГОГУ (RSA Flight Control Management Team) weekly conference Sprint Portable Pulmonary Function System (PPFS) Partial Setup ECLSS Recycle Tank Remove and Replace Terminate Nitrogen/Oxygen Recharge System (NORS) Leak Check JEM Airlock Pressurization Video Footage of Greetings MATRYOSHKA-R. Gathering and Initialization of Bubble-Dosimeter Detectors JEMRMS Bus Monitor Cable Teardown SPRINT – Hardware Power On JEM Airlock Leak Check MATRYOSHKA-R. Handover Photo MATRYOSHKA-R.  Handover of BUBBLE-dosimeters to USOS RADIN – Handover of detectors for deployment MATRYOSHKA-R. BUBBLE-dosimeter initialization and deployment RADIN – Dosimeter Deployment Photos of panels and windows in CQ , plane II Waste & Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Usage Rate Counter R&R SPRINT Experiment Ops PILOT-T. Experiment Ops [Deferred] Photo/TV Camcorder Setup Verification for ARED Exercise RGN – Initiate drain into EDV HRF – Equipment stowage after sample collection HMS – Food Frequency Questionnaire RGN – Terminate water drain into EDV Mid-point mission debrief – Part 4. Drinking demonstrations using specially-designed cups IMAХ – Connecting to SSC WRS – Recycle Tank Fill NORS Installation Closeout Ops WRS – Recycle Tank Fill Soyuz 718 Samsung tablet charge – start Pumping urine from EDV-U into Progress 428 Rodnik БВ1 tank HMS – Food Frequency Questionnaire PROBOY. RSЕ1 Laptop Ops PROBOY. Penetration Simulator Ops IMS and Stowage Conference Post-ARED Exercise Video Equipment […]

from ISS On-Orbit Status Report

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