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Monday, March 14, 2016

An interacting replica approach applied to the traveling salesman problem. (arXiv:1406.7282v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech] UPDATED)

We present a physics inspired heuristic method for solving combinatorial optimization problems. Our approach is specifically motivated by the desire to avoid trapping in metastable local minima- a common occurrence in hard problems with multiple extrema. Our method involves (i) coupling otherwise independent simulations of a system ("replicas") via geometrical distances as well as (ii) probabilistic inference applied to the solutions found by individual replicas. The {\it ensemble} of replicas evolves as to maximize the inter-replica correlation while simultaneously minimize the local intra-replica cost function (e.g., the total path length in the Traveling Salesman Problem within each replica). We demonstrate how our method improves the performance of rudimentary local optimization schemes long applied to the NP hard Traveling Salesman Problem. In particular, we apply our method to the well-known "$k$-opt" algorithm and examine two particular cases- $k=2$ and $k=3$. With the aid of geometrical coupling alone, we are able to determine for the optimum tour length on systems up to $280$ cities (an order of magnitude larger than the largest systems typically solved by the bare $k=3$ opt). The probabilistic replica-based inference approach improves $k-opt$ even further and determines the optimal solution of a problem with $318$ cities and find tours whose total length is close to that of the optimal solutions for other systems with a larger number of cities.

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