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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Learning Interactive Affordance for Human-Robot Interaction. (arXiv:1604.03692v1 [cs.RO])

In this paper, we present an approach for robot learning of affordance from human activity videos. We consider the problem particularly in the context of human-robot interaction: Our approach learns structural representations of human-human (and human-object-human) interactions, describing how body-parts of each agent move with respect to each other and what spatial relations they should maintain to complete each sub-event (i.e., sub-goal). This enables the robot to infer its own movement in reaction to the human body motion, allowing it to naturally replicate such interactions.

We introduce the representation of interactive affordance and propose a generative model for its weakly supervised learning from human demonstration videos. Our approach discovers critical steps (i.e., latent sub-events) in an interaction and the typical motion associated with them, learning what body-parts should be involved and how. The experimental results demonstrate that our Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) based learning algorithm automatically discovers semantically meaningful interactive affordance from RGB-D videos, which allows us to generate appropriate full body motion for an agent.

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