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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Why is Compiling Lifted Inference into a Low-Level Language so Effective?. (arXiv:1606.04512v1 [cs.AI])

First-order knowledge compilation techniques have proven efficient for lifted inference. They compile a relational probability model into a target circuit on which many inference queries can be answered efficiently. Early methods used data structures as their target circuit. In our KR-2016 paper, we showed that compiling to a low-level program instead of a data structure offers orders of magnitude speedup, resulting in the state-of-the-art lifted inference technique. In this paper, we conduct experiments to address two questions regarding our KR-2016 results: 1- does the speedup come from more efficient compilation or more efficient reasoning with the target circuit?, and 2- why are low-level programs more efficient target circuits than data structures?

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