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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Log-Linear RNNs: Towards Recurrent Neural Networks with Flexible Prior Knowledge. (arXiv:1607.02467v1 [cs.AI])

We introduce \emph{LL-RNNs} (Log-Linear RNNs), an extension of Recurrent Neural Networks that replaces the softmax output layer by a log-linear output layer, of which the softmax is a special case. This conceptually simple move has two main advantages. First, it allows the learner to combat training data sparsity by allowing it to model words (or more generally, output symbols) as complex combinations of attributes without requiring that each combination is directly observed in the training data (as the softmax does). Second, it permits the inclusion of flexible prior knowledge in the form of \emph{a priori} specified modular features, where the neural network component learns to dynamically control the weights of a log-linear distribution exploiting these features. We provide some motivating illustrations, and argue that the log-linear and the neural-network components contribute complementary strengths to the LL-RNN: the LL aspect allows the model to incorporate rich prior knowledge, while the NN aspect, according to the "representation learning" paradigm, allows the model to discover novel combination of characteristics.

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