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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Constructing a Natural Language Inference Dataset using Generative Neural Networks. (arXiv:1607.06025v1 [cs.AI])

Natural Language Inference is an important task for Natural Language Understanding. It is concerned with classifying the logical relation between two sentences. In this paper, we propose several text generative neural networks for constructing Natural Language Inference datasets suitable for training classifiers. To evaluate the models, we propose a new metric - the accuracy of the classifier trained on the generated dataset. The accuracy obtained with our best generative model is only 2.7% lower than the accuracy of the classifier trained on the original, manually constructed dataset. The model learns a mapping embedding for each training example. By comparing various metrics we show that datasets that obtain higher ROUGE or METEOR scores do not necessarily yield higher classification accuracies. We also provide analysis of what are the characteristics of a good dataset including the distinguishability of the generated datasets from the original one.

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