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Sunday, April 24, 2016

A Hybrid Approach to Query Answering under Expressive Datalog+/-. (arXiv:1604.06770v1 [cs.DB])

Datalog+/- is a family of ontology languages that combine good computational properties with high expressive power. Datalog+/- languages are provably able to capture the most relevant Semantic Web languages. In this paper we consider the class of weakly-sticky (WS) Datalog+/- programs, which allow for certain useful forms of joins in rule bodies as well as extending the well-known class of weakly-acyclic TGDs. So far, only non-deterministic algorithms were known for answering queries on WS Datalog+/- programs. We present novel deterministic query answering algorithms under WS Datalog+/-. In particular, we propose: (1) a bottom-up grounding algorithm based on a query-driven chase, and (2) a hybrid approach based on transforming a WS program into a so-called sticky one, for which query rewriting techniques are known. We discuss how our algorithms can be optimized and effectively applied for query answering in real-world scenarios.

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