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Monday, January 30, 2017

Explanation Generation as Model Reconciliation in Multi-Model Planning. (arXiv:1701.08317v1 [cs.AI])

The ability to explain the rationale behind a planner's deliberative process is crucial to the realization of effective human-planner interaction. However, in the context of human-in-the-loop planning, a significant challenge towards providing meaningful explanations arises due to the fact that the actor (planner) and the observer (human) are likely to have different models of the world, leading to a difference in the expected plan for the same perceived planning problem. In this paper, for the first time, we formalize this notion of Multi-Model Planning (MMP) and describe how a planner can provide explanations of its plans in the context of such model differences. Specifically, we will pose the multi-model explanation generation problem as a model reconciliation problem and show how meaningful explanations may be affected by making corrections to the human model. We will also demonstrate the efficacy of our approach in randomly generated problems from benchmark planning domains, and motivate exciting avenues of future research in the MMP paradigm.

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