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Monday, March 13, 2017

Any-Angle Pathfinding for Multiple Agents Based on SIPP Algorithm. (arXiv:1703.04159v1 [cs.AI])

Problem of finding conflict-free trajectories for multiple agents of identical circular shape, operating in shared 2D workspace, is addressed in the paper and decoupled, e.g. prioritized, approach is used to solve this problem. Agents' workspace is tessellated into the square grid on which any-angle moves are allowed, e.g. each agent can move into arbitrary direction as long as this move follows the straight line segment whose endpoints are tied to the distinct grid elements. A novel any-angle planner based on Safe Interval Path Planning (SIPP) algorithm is proposed to find trajectories for an agent moving amidst dynamic obstacles (other agents) on a grid. This algorithm is then used as a part of a prioritized multi-agent planner AA-SIPP(m). On the theoretic side it's showed that AA-SIPP(m) is complete under well-defined conditions. On the experimental side, in simulation tests with up to 200 agents involved, we show that our planner finds much better solutions in terms of cost (up to 20%) compared to the planners relying on cardinal moves only.

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